Monday, January 31, 2011

Tak Bole Bla Webcam Contest !!

haha . cantik ? tau da .. :))

nak juinn ? klik SINI kayy ^_^

Terms and Conditions
♥ Follow The Riccolicious blogspot. (done)
♥ Your link please! Only in this entry ok? Others. Blablabla. (done)
♥ Like this entry (done)
♥ Make a entry on your blog with title Tak Buleh Bla Webcam Contest (done)
♥ No editing please.(done)
♥ Tag 5 of your friends who you think will join this contest.(done)

* Cara pertandingan dijalankan akan dibebelkan sejurus ramai yang ingin menyertai contest ini, ok?
* Sekiranya tidak mendapat sambutan contest ini akan dibatalkan secara terus
 nak tag kat : 

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